Happy isn’t the word Marin residents would use to describe their internet service.
Of the 671 people completing the survey that closes Friday, only 11% indicated they were satisfied with how fast and reliable their internet service is.
When asked if they would pay if it were more reliable or faster, a quarter of those surveyed declared “no.” But another 30% of respondents said they would like better service “but can’t afford it.”
“Clearly, a majority of county residents feel they don’t have adequate Internet. I was very surprised. I didn’t think it would be that small a number who (feel) they have fast and reliable service.”
County Chief Information Officer Liza Massey
Many have smart devices they like. When asked how they would rate their mobile device, 78% ranked their appendage as “good” or “excellent.”
Over half of those surveyed (54%) said they “don’t care” whether the Internet is delivered “wired” or “wireless” as long as its “faster, more reliable and affordable.”