FAQ Topic: Assist with the deployment of universally accessible public and public/private broadband services throughout Marin
Use existing network infrastructure and services, develop residential community siting standards, adopt trench once/trench smart ordinances, standardize permit requirements and fees, and develop other rules, policies, and procedures, to the fullest extent possible. Work to update, change, or adopt laws, rules, policies, and procedures to increase deployment of broadband infrastructure with an emphasis on the … Continued
After a detailed broadband network design is completed and resources become available, oversee deployment of broadband infrastructure using a phased implementation of stand-alone broadband network components. Manage each phase using project management best practices that include securing funds, hiring consultants, and obtaining other necessary resources. Upon completion of each proceeding phase, launch projects to deploy … Continued
Hire a consultant to assist with development of a detailed public broadband network design that delivers best in the U.S. high-speed service in Marin, with a goal of 1 Gbps symmetrical wherever needed and possible, with an emphasis on providing internet services to Marin government entities such as city halls, schools, county and municipal facilities, … Continued