Summary Activities continue to implement the Strategic Plan’s goals and strategies. Since the last project update the following activities occurred. See Notable Accomplishments and Updates for detailed information. The County and City of San Rafael continued activities from the work plans of their Local Area Technical Assistance (LATA) Grants. Work must be completed by October … Continued
Summary Activities continue to implement the Strategic Plan. Since the last project update, the County and City of San Rafael continue activities in the work plans of their Local Area Technical Assistance (LATA) Grants. Last week, Marin County, in partnership with EntryPoint Networks, applied for $11 million to build fiber infrastructure in coastal Marin. IST … Continued
Activities continue to implement the Strategic Plan, set up an operational entity, and seek funding. Since the last project update, the County and City of San Rafael began activities in the work plans of their Local Area Technical Assistance (LATA) Grants. Marin County also brought on an intern, Andrew Popov, a rising Junior at Terra … Continued
Activities continue to implement the Strategic Plan, set up an operational entity, and seek funding. Since the last status update, the County and City of San Rafael entered into contracts with a consultant to implement the work plans in their Local Area Technical Assistance (LATA) Grants. Notable Accomplishments and Updates Goal 1: High-quality broadband … Continued
Work continues to implement the Strategic Plan, set up an operational entity, and seek funding. Since the last status update, grants totally nearly $900,000 were awarded to better define broadband expansion projects across Marin. Notable Accomplishments and Updates Goal 1: High-quality broadband is available to everyone in Marin Strategy 1: Assist with the deployment of … Continued
Work continues to implement the Strategic Plan, set up an operational entity, and seek funding. Sincethe last project update, the Digital Marin Strategic Plan was adopted by the City of San Rafael, bringing the total to six adoptions by Marin’s local government entities. Notable Accomplishments & Updates Goal 1: High-quality broadband is available to … Continued
Work continues to implement the Strategic Plan, set up an operational entity, and seek funding. Since the last status update, the Digital Marin Strategic Plan was adopted by the Mill Valley City Council and the Town of Tiburon, making five adoptions by Marin’s local government entities. Notable Accomplishments Adoption and Letters of Support: In … Continued
The last three months were busy for Digital Marin as it moved from being a project to create a Strategic Plan to implementation of the Plan, beginning with setting up an operational entity and seeking funding. Since the last status update, the Digital Marin Strategic Plan was adopted by the Marin County Board of Supervisors, … Continued
What a year! We began 2021 with a brand-new Executive Steering Committee (ESC) and our consulting firm, Magellan Advisors, was still doing initial interviews with stakeholders. Our ESC reached out in their communities to pull in more people with diverse perspectives. That effort eventually added more than 500 registered stakeholders and thousands of survey, focus … Continued
Another milestone reached. We were concerned we wouldn’t have much to report, but on the contrary, we have shifted into high gear. We received the Needs and Options Report from Magellan Advisors and are mining it for insights. Combined with completion of the draft Needs Assessment Report, we are exiting the fact finding and analysis … Continued