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They can still apply! As long as only one person in the household is applying for the benefit, they can still apply. When they contact the Internet service provider, they may need to provide the account holder’s information (such as date or birthdate) along with their verification code.

Families can apply for the ACP by entering the address of the shelter where they reside. As others reside at this address who may also have an ACP benefit, the applicant must fill out a household worksheet and upload the worksheet with their application. Families can choose to find a plan that supports mobile internet....

Try to gather their contact information and the language support they need and ESH will follow-up.

Ask if there is a family member or someone else available that can help them walk through the process together.

Ask if another family member has an email account that can be used. If this is not possible, ask for follow-up information and we can both provide this how-to but also walk them through setting up an email account. Additionally, some mobile providers have one-way emails that customers can use (customers can receive but not...

The subscriber in this transaction is a duplicate of another subscriber. Please contact USAC at

Taxes and fees are part of the amount charged to a consumer so they are included in the ACP reimbursement, instead of consumers receiving small bills for taxes and fees alone. If the family chooses an internet service plan that is more than $30 per month, they will be responsible for that amount. For example,...

No. The benefit is not a direct to consumer benefit. It is a discount off the monthly service bill and/or device. The internet service provider will seek reimbursement directly from the FCC program.

You can update this information in your National Verifier account. You can still use your account number to update your ISP or move to a new ISP.

EBB participants in good standing were automatically enrolled into the ACP benefit on 12/31/2021 which ensures eligible households continue to receive the discount without disruptions due to the eligibility of their service provider. There is a 60 day transition period in which the EBB enrolled family will continue to receive the $50 per month benefit...

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) helps families connect to the Internet from home by providing a monthly benefit to help pay for an internet service plan. The ACP is a long-term $14 billion program of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The ACP began December 31, 2021, replacing...

The community outreach process included conducting surveys, polls, focus groups, meetings, interviews, and project briefings, as well as, receiving comments via email or through the GoDigitalMarin website. A list of organizations that participated in focus groups and meetings is available under the Communities section. Participation Overall, Community outreach resulted in conducting 12 surveys and more...

Work continues to implement the Strategic Plan, set up an operational entity, and seek funding. Since the last status update, the Digital Marin Strategic Plan was adopted by the Mill Valley City Council and the Town of Tiburon, making five adoptions by Marin’s local government entities.   Notable Accomplishments Adoption and Letters of Support: In...

Following a year-long partnership, the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at the University of California, Berkeley, and Next Century Cities released Cut Off from the Courthouse: How the Digital Divide Impacts Access to Justice and Civic Engagement. The report features interviews with 27 professionals who have grappled with the transition to remote court...

In Service-Learning-designated classes you will learn to: Act as socially responsible community member Apply learning in social context(s) Value community voice and knowledge Reflect critically on root causes and systemic social/environmental issues There are many Service-Learning-designated courses throughout Dominican’s course catalog. To find these courses, look for “SL” listed in front of the course name...

Earn your high school diploma and a career certificate through Career Online High School. Check out the class schedule!

Technology 4 Life provides small, hands-on classes that give participants time to practice what they've learned. Find a class near you! Classes en Espanol Nuestra instructora bilingüe, Laura Mogannam, dirige nuestras clases en español. Consulte las ubicaciones para obtener información sobre las clases y la página de la clase en español.

Interested in learning how to set up your computer, open an email account or navigate the internet? EveryoneOn has classes for computer, email, and internet basics Check out the classes!

Stay armed and informed with these cybersecurity tips.

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