FAQ Topic: Marin has a high rate of digital adoption that benefits everyone
Establish a digital business incubator to create or expand Marin’s small, homebased, and online digital businesses. Include resources such as free or low-cost workspace, digital tools and technologies, mentorship, sharing of expertise, access to investors, and potentially, working capital in the form of grants and loans. Include representatives from business, economic development, chambers of commerce, … Continued
Create collaborations, explore opportunities, develop project proposals, and get funding for smart technologies that improve public service delivery and promote community engagement and public sector innovation. Include representatives from all sectors, including residents, to ensure that community needs are met, and security, privacy, and health concerns and risks are reduced or, where possible, eliminated. Base … Continued
Create collaborations, explore opportunities, develop project proposals, and get funding for shared services among government and educational agencies to improve efficiency, streamline processes, and improve customer service. Potential projects identified through the needs assessment process include the following: Increasing network interconnectivity and shared digital solutions and resources to lower costs and increase consistency of services … Continued
Create collaborations, explore opportunities, develop project proposals, and get funding for data sharing initiatives to provide whole person care for individuals and families. Potential projects identified through the needs assessment process include the following: Expanding data sharing among schools, libraries, and education-focused community based organizations to support home access to educational resources and family and … Continued
Investigate community concerns including getting information from a wide-range of experts with differing opinions. Ensure that all voices are heard. Develop community-based solutions to address these concerns. Pursue these activities based upon specific needs and availability of resources. Examples of potential topics identified during the needs assessment process include the following: The effect of Electric … Continued
Educate the public about the availability and benefits of digital services. Include representatives from all sectors to ensure that the program serves Marin’s residents and businesses. Help individuals and businesses identify the benefits of using digital solutions, so they can experience the full value of online services and digital opportunities. The results of a recent … Continued
Expand the County-led Marin Information Security Collaboration (MISC), which currently serves government, education, non-profit, and similar public organizations, into a Marin Security and Privacy Council that includes other agencies and organizations, including for-profit enterprises. Continue to share cybersecurity information and resources, as well as broaden the focus to include digital privacy. Pursue projects and funding … Continued
Establish a Marin Digital Accessibility Council to serve all sectors including public, non-profits, and private industry. Share information and resources and pursue projects and funding to improve access to digital resources and services.