We have reached the end of the beginning. Magellan delivered their Technical Memo, the first in a series of products they handed off to us through May. The Government and Emergency Management work group was the first to submit their findings. The other groups will follow with their analysis and findings in the next few … Continued
An explosion of data is coming in now that the surveys, focus groups, and interviews are all going full speed. The outreach is working as we planned. We’ve uncovered more community connections and are finding additional allies. While the level of participation from business owners is less than we hoped, we understand that they are … Continued
Digital Marin continues to have good momentum as 2020 draws to a close. The Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is working to establish teams to lead community outreach, the consultants, Magellan Advisors, are collecting data on current assets, and the GoDigitalMarin.org website is live. The project is about a month behind the original schedule, but we … Continued